If teaching English & Africana studies didn't work out, why not try a career change to become a Writer?
And what better place to do that than The Philadelphia Citizen?
I'll bet Dr James B. Peterson must think this Brother's Network stuff is funny. But I don't, I take it very seriously.
"WHYY contributor resigns from Lehigh University amid sexual misconduct allegations"
1/16/2018 WHYY
"Professor James Braxton Peterson, accused of sexual misconduct, resigns"
1/16/2018 The Brown and White (Lehigh University's student newspaper)
"Lehigh professor resigns amid sexual misconduct allegations"
1/16/2018 The Morning Call
"Lehigh U. Scholar and Author Resigns Amid Sexual-Misconduct Investigation"
1/16/2018 The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Lehigh Professor Resigns Amid Sexual Misconduct Investigation"
1/17/2018 Diverse Education
"Reeling from sex scandal, Lehigh University let black professor be ‘sacrificial lamb,’ suit alleges"
3/14/2019 Lehigh Valley Live
"Lawsuit alleges Lehigh University overlooked sexual harassment to avoid charges of racial discrimination."
3/19/2019 The Morning Call
"He resigned amid allegations of sexual misconduct. Then Millersville University hired him"
1/17/2020 Lancaster Online & Solano County Network of Care
"Facing Misconduct Investigation, Professor Taught Elsewhere"
1/20/2020 Inside Higher Ed
"B&W Exclusive: New information emerges in James Peterson scandal"
3/18/2020 The Brown and White (Lehigh University's student newspaper)
"The Timeline of the James Peterson Investigation"
3/18/2020 The Brown and White (Lehigh University's student newspaper)
"What happened at Lehigh University to trigger a Clery Act investigation?"
6/19/2020 Lehigh Valley Live
It's too bad Dr. James Peterson left most of the juicy stuff off of his (Hip Hop) linkedin page.
Sometimes the Rate my professors website gives helpful information about what's going on.
Sometimes I sit down to write web content about what's going on in the Philadelphia area, and I spend a lot of time I really struggling to come up with things to say.
But other times its EASY. Sometimes the web pages practically write themselves. This was one of those days.
And if 10 different news agencies are all reporting the same thing, then it must be real? It's not like they all conspired to fake the middle initial and then fake all the photos?